Group Awards

Council Building Block of the Year Award  (RHA nominated + Selected):

This award recognizes a residential council that has made significant steps in the development of their organization. The award is designed to honor a hall or area council that displays tremendous effort and improvement in their residence hall environment from the previous academic year to the present. 

Most Spirited Council of the Year Award (RHA nominated + Selected):

This residential council has demonstrated superb success in achieving resident involvement throughout the community. Residential involvement has its challenges, but making residents excited to attend events, games, shows, etc. is a phenomenal bonding experience to make everyone feel like a Seawolf! The most spirited council encourages community bonding and informs general body members of opportunities across campus. 

Excellence in Financial Management (RHA nominated + Selected):

This award recognizes an Executive board who has been observed by RHA as role models in financial management. This executive board has not only adhered to the rules surrounding financial usage, but has been diligent with how they manage their funds for the better of their residential councils. Additionally, this hall council has maintained a professional line of communication with the Vice President of Financial Affairs, showing their desire to be successful monetary planners.